Welcome to Meet the Bright’s! You will see that my son and myself are launching a speaker’s series to empower people! We have been on this journey for basically, our entire lives, of caring about other people. We are cut from the mold of #fortheloveofpeople where we believe that we are the voices for people who can’t or won’t speak for themselves. We have decided to make you laugh and share our journey of being these bi-racial people – or in Aaron’s words, racially ambiguous, to help bridge differences in people.
We have a simple belief. That is, we are more in common than we are different. We believe fear dominates most people’s lives and it creates a filter that forces us to see other people through our own insecurities and the belief that for me to thrive, I must degrade you. Stated different, it’s fear of loss. We are here to inspire you to hear our stories, to understand there is enough for all of us, and that when we lift others up, WE rise. Our goal is to bring humor, perspective, insight, wisdom and straight talk – to the surface for us to love each other. And we intend on doing that through building community. Mostly through a great bottle of wine. Preferably Syrah. (You will learn more about our love of wine through our speaking series we are launching).
You will see in the coming weeks; we are launching a radio station where we can dialogue with each other. Podcasts are forthcoming where we give you something to ponder and chuckle to on your way to the office, and some entertainment at some live events to meet you.
Our first event is scheduled for Friday, October 27, 2017. 7-9 pm. Hosted by the Capital Grille. More details coming. Will you laugh with us and join us to help heal our world? Help heal business, families, self, community and everyone around us?
With love, Cindi