Thanksgiving was so beautiful in our family. Listening to my son saying Grace and thanks for all that we have, our family, friends, business, each other, the meal, all was so very surreal for me. Much more than usual. Can you believe the holidays are here this quick? Today I wake up to “Black Friday” and I am pondering the question, do I feel like shopping and what exactly would I shop for today? It has been a tough year in our country and certainly in my own world. I read the headlines this morning about the shootings in Egypt. I see the ridiculous tweets from DC trying to force more black people to be harmed. I see Colin Kaepernick and his spending Thanksgiving with the Indigenous people. I see photos of families, turkeys, other cultures of food that is being served and again I ask myself, do I feel like shopping?
The answer is no. I just can’t. I look at my email and I see all the “deals” going on. Emotionless. There has been too much chaos in our world this year and it has shifted me. My soul is stirred and my spirit crushed at times, and my energy revitalized to do more. The smaller things in life, while I believed always mattered to me, really stand out to me today. I have taken for granted the holidays for too long. I have enjoyed them, no doubt. They are important to me as an adult, after a childhood of not having them, but it meant more for me yesterday to pray together. Eat together. Laugh about us. Roller Skate. Dance. Smell the pies cooking. Have Aaron’s friends devour my food. Be a mom. All of this means so much more to me.
It is quiet in his house this morning as I write this. I am listening to my thoughts. I want this season to be one of showing each other some grace. I will show grace and forgiveness to others. We simply have to. Loving is so simple and effortless. As this year is coming to an end, although it has been beyond what I believed I was capable of handling, I am grateful for this journey and experience.
With grace and love,